Saturday, November 3, 2012

Shattered glass cupcakes

This recipe comes from the book "A Zombie Ate My Cupcake" by the ever talented Lily Vanilli . Red velvet cupcakes, buttercream icing, raspberry sauce and 'glass' shards. My 'glass' was way too thick, I will need to either make less next time or use a bigger tray!

The Ultimate Chocolate Treat

You've probably seen recipes for this one floating around the web - I know they certainty caught my eye! So simple, and yet so pleasing, both visually and orally!
Take a simple chocolate cupcake, and cut a hollow out of the top, the same way you would if you were making fairy cakes. Fill the hollow with a spoonful of Nutella. Top with a Ferrero Rocher. Easy, and delicious.

Gotta Catch 'em All - Version 2

They say practice makes perfect, but I'm still not happy!
Oh well, just an excuse to make more cupcakes I suppose! ^^
This time I used a black chocolate decorating tube, which looks better and doesn't bleed, but it harder to use as it needs to be constantly re-heated as the chocolate sets. 
I also had the issue of too much icing sugar - I add icing sugar to the hard icing to make it less sticky and easier to mould, but it left a white sheen on the final product.
The birthday boy was happy though, and that's what counts!

Pokemon Cupcakes, Version 1

These cupcakes were made at the request of one of my nephews. I used hard icing for the Pokemon faces and a black gel to paint in the features - I found that this tended to 'bleed' onto the hard icing, though, so I don't think I will use them again. As for the Pokeballs, I used up all of my liquid food colouring trying to make black! Time to invest in some black gel colouring, I think!